公益社団法人 日本畜産学会

Animal Science Journal Excellent Paper Award(優秀論文賞)

Animal Science Journal Excellent Paper Award(優秀論文賞)


第13号「The prolactin family and pregnancy-dependent adaptations」

Soares, MJ; Alam, SMK; Konno, T; et al.       

Animal Science Journal 77 (1) 1-9 (2006)


第14号「Biology of the prolactin family in bovine placenta. II. Bovine prolactin-related proteins: Their expression, structure and proposed roles」

Ushizawa, K; Hashizume, K

Animal Science Journal 77 (1) 18-27 (2006)


第15号「Structure, function and disease susceptibility of the bovine major histocompatibility complex」

Takeshima, SN; Aida, Y     

Animal Science Journal 77 (2) 138-150 (2006)