公益社団法人 日本畜産学会

Animal Science Journal Excellent Paper Award(優秀論文賞)

Animal Science Journal Excellent Paper Award(優秀論文賞)


第16号「Validation and application of real-time polymerase chain reaction assays for representative rumen bacteria」

Koike S, Yabuki H, Kobayashi Y.

Animal Science Journal 78 (2) 135-141 (2007)


第17号「Physiological responses of transported goats treated with ascorbic acid during the hot-dry season」

Minka NS, Ayo JO       

Animal Science Journal 78 (2) 164-172 (2007)


第18号「Advanced molecular immunoassay system for immunobiotic lactic acid bacteria using a transfectant of Toll-like receptor 2」

Tohno M, Shimosato T, Kawai Y  

Animal Science Journal 78 (2) 195-205 (2007)


第19号「Evaluating environmental impacts of the Japanese beef cow-calf system by the life cycle assessment method」

Ogino A, Orito H, Shimada K, et al.

Animal Science Journal 78 (2) 424-432 (2007)